Get notified when
prospects & alumni make news
Discover potential donors and strengthen bonds
Trusted by the world’s best
How it Works
1. Upload list of Prospects
Upload the list of prospects you'd like to track news for. You can add them in a bulk by uploading a csv or add individually.
2. AI powered algorithms scan news sources
Our AI searches for news mentions of these prospects in more than 400,000+ sources.
3. Get notified with news articles
You get news results featuring your prospects in your feed and also a mail based on the frequency set by you.
Seize an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with prospects & alumni who matter
Find hidden prospects
Prospects featured in news are 5x more likely to respond to requests for donations and sponsorships
Get your timing right
Reaching out with a topical message to congratulate a prospect strengthens the bond
Share in your community
Current students, faculty, as well as other alumni are proud to see an alum being felicitated
Save time and effort
Process for identifying relevant alumni for campus events, mentorship programs, job placement becomes faster, cheaper and better
AlmaConnect News Features
Personalized news feed
Browse through the news articles on a constantly updating personalized news feed
Import constituents
Add prospects either individually or in bulk by importing them from a CSV file
Add tags to your prospects to keep track on them
Email Notifications
Set your personalized email notification frequency and other alert settings.
Share news
Current students, faculty, as well as other alumni are proud to see an alum being felicitated
Connect with your CRM to directly update prospect records.
How AlmaConnect News delivers
More Results
News Sources400,000+~15,000
Prospects Tracked daily100%<2%
Search KeywordsAll CombinationsName + College
Auto Handling
Getting resultsAuto2-3 Hrs
Notifying DepartmentsTracks and AlertsManual
More Results
News Sources400,000+~15,000
Prospects Tracked daily100%<2%
Search KeywordsAll CombinationsName + College
Auto Handling
Getting resultsAuto2-3 Hrs
Notifying DepartmentsTracks and AlertsManual
A secured system, externally as well as internally
Our security measures for data privacy and protection
Data Protection
We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your information. Our platform has been designed and built using ‘privacy-by-design’ methodologies.
Internal Data Security Policies
We strictly follow data security policies and restrict the data access to the admins.
GDPR Compliant
We are dedicated to ensuring that all customer data is treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Distributed servers across US, Europe & India
We partnered with AWS for its hosting and data services allowing users to access our platform 24x7.